Exhibits for Rent and Sale

Can you imagine the power of an event where science meets fantasy! You now have the opportunity to do just that thanks to rental exhibits.

AHHAA offers a wide range of exhibits that you can rent for your corporate family, winter or summer days, to add a little flair to your event.
Picture a coffee break where participants can experiment and explore the world of science tricks. A giant duck, a curved mirror, a spike chair, an upside-down scooter – these are only a handful of our versatile range of rental exhibits.

You can also rent exhibits from us, for example for a trade fair or outdoor event. They make for a fantastic way to grab visitors’ attention!

3D Tic-Tac-Toe

Everyone has played this game on a piece of paper, but taking on your opponent is completely different in 3D!
150 €/day


Paljud uskumatud ja ulmelised filmistseenid on tegelikult meisterliku arvutigraaafika tulemus.
150 €/day


Try a flight simulator! Strap yourself in and have a wonderfully dizzy experience!
120 €/h

Grip Strength

Test the strength of your grip! Grasp the handle and squeeze it as hard as you can!
150 €/day

The Giant Duck Pii

An eye-catching attraction, a selfie magnet or just a nice addition. AHHAA's yellow giant duck makes every party unforgettable!
440 €/day

Speed Tester

Experiment with your peripheral vision and reaction speed at the same time!
440 €/day

Ear Changer

Put on this funny-looking hat, close your eyes and ask your friend to call you to them. Only... are they on your right or left side...?
150 €/day

Distorter Mirror

A fun and effective design element for various events.
150 €/day

Wave Machine

Waves can move in water, in the air, and in the ground. We’re probably most familiar with the waves in water, as this is where they’re the most visible.
150 €/day

Motion capture

Try out real cinema equipment which is used to create digital characters for movies.

Move your head in front of the screen and the exhibit will create a unique charact…
150 €/day

Memory Tester

Test your memory and reaction speed!
150 €/day

Nail Art

Handmarks, facemarks, different shapes - let your creativity flow and press patterns into the nail wall! When there’s no more space for art just move to the other side and st…
190 €/day

Nail Chair

A chair for those who enjoy sharp encounters! Try touching the nails with your hands and then take a seat. Can you feel the difference?
150 €/day

Sea Ball Pit

Learn about water safety in Estonia’s largest sea rescue simulator.
1800 €/day

Head in the Box

Consisting of 6 mirrors, this exhibit creates different patterns thanks to its multiple reflections.

As a result of systematically arranged mirrors, all of the shap…
150 €/day

Plasma Ball

Put your hand on the sphere (or close to it) and you can change the course of these electrical charges.
150 €/day

Drunk Glasses

Put the glasses on and see how the world in front of you swayes and distorts. You can try walking on a straight line or writing something. It won’t be that easy! …
150 €/day

Rheoscopic Disc

Rheoscopic fluid is placed in a thin cylinder. When you spin the cylinder, the light that reflects from the fluid shows the formation of numerous whirls and spirals.
150 €/day

RoboBattles Mini Arena

When you don’t have time to build a robot yourself, you can try AHHAA’s RoboBattle on a smaller scale. Control robot bugs and try to defeat your enemy!
120 €/h

Robot Oskar

Is he a real thinking robot? Well, maybe not, but he will leave no-one cold.
120 €/h

Spacecraft"Cosmos 2083"

Wow, you can rent a real Soviet reconnaissance satellite!

Backwards Scooter

It takes quite a bit of practice to learn how to ride a bicycle. You might think it would be easier to ride a scooter instead.
150 €/day

Balance Tester

How good is your balance? Step on the balance tester and find out!

You can see your result on the digital screen. It's a fun tool to create a competitive moment in team…
150 €/day

Letter Puzzles

Even though we learn to write in early childhood, this exhibit will prove tricky for even the best of writers.
150 €/day

Air Cannon

Step behind the cannon, aim and shoot. What? Air! With the resulting jet of air, you can, for example, mess up a friend's hairstyle or extinguish a candle flame.
190 €/day

Balloon Picture

Take a fun picture of yourself while popping a balloon and get your friends in on the game!
120 €/h